Changing the faces of founders and investors.

Kate Brodock is Founding Partner of W Fund, a VC investing in underrepresented-led tech start ups and CEO of Women 2.0, a global ecosystem focused on gender and representation in the tech and startup spaces.

“Mobilization is important because it is the difference between going so low against all of these hurdles and actually having a peer network.”

— Kate


Start-up life

How to grow, think like a founder, balance work & personal life and navigate the start-up word from network to investors.

Mindset Shifts

Rethink/reassess methodologies, addressing stubborn misalignment and changing structurally.

Gender Representation

Showcasing the different faces of entrepreneurship, combating inequality in technology and creating containers for the inclusion of women in decision-making roles.

Future Creation

Driving the future of ideas, effecting where the concentration of power lies and challenging who’s in charge of creating policy.